Predictions game
Parions Sport FDJ
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Bienvenue dans ce nouveau groupe !

Un groupe consacré aux Paris Sportifs à 90 % de Tennis et 10 % d'autres sports !

Etant un grand fan de sport et en particulier le Tennis !

Il y a pas une semaine sans que je Paris ! Et pour le moment je m'en sors pas mal :D !

Chaque jour ou presque un Paris Sport analysé sera publié sur ce groupe !

Majoritairement plusieurs pronostics seront disponible dans la même journée

! Après à vous de voir si les combinés ou non !

Vous voulez gagnez de l'argent avec mon aide ?

Alors peut être à bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures !

화 13
tirwane left the group
목 13
steph33650 left the group
금 24
galdir left the group
일 12
MisterRr left the group
수 27
Zionmath left the group
월 11
bibiboy left the group
수 2
xavierloureiro33 joined the group
화 1
MisterRr joined the group
화 1
adrienltl joined the group
월 29
guix joined the group
월 29
bjr270 joined the group
월 29
arthur.caban joined the group
월 29
kerivel.alexandre joined the group
월 29
JoWil Tsonga#21 joined the group
월 29
guix joined the group
월 29
laffitte.rudy joined the group
토 27
clemspic joined the group
토 27
Maxb21 joined the group
금 26
jag96 joined the group
금 26
Gauthier Dujardin joined the group
금 26
lemanchotdu63 joined the group
금 26
Stanimal45 joined the group
목 11
Antonin Pouillart left the group
목 12
OlivP left the group
일 8
federer77460 left the group
월 26
alextennismtc joined the group
월 26
Corentin Sohier joined the group
금 23
bibiboy joined the group
금 23
RAMSEZ joined the group
목 22
S2key joined the group
화 20
Guiziguiri joined the group
월 19
federer77460 joined the group
토 17
JaredL joined the group
금 16
TheGossipBoy left the group
목 15
TheGossipBoy joined the group
목 15
Mjanko joined the group
목 15
guix joined the group
목 15
pat.hemled joined the group
화 13
OlivP joined the group
일 11
gaetan97 joined the group
일 11
MisterRr joined the group
일 11
Lucasc001 joined the group
수 7
Zionmath joined the group
화 6
cocoroger79 joined the group
화 6
yoan7 joined the group
화 6
Le_bison joined the group
화 6
galdir joined the group
화 6
gregM joined the group
화 6
Chris Machado joined the group
화 6
Younous Issack joined the group
They are in the group